The office is the safest place to work globally, and nothing untoward can happen when you are working at your desk, right? Though you are unlikely to experience industrial accidents in the office, this work environment does come with its own set of hazards. One widespread office-based hazard is developing eyestrain from consistent screen use. If left unchecked, eyestrain can lead to debilitating migraines and eye sensitivity, which can impact your overall health. However, how can you reduce this health risk if a majority of your work is, by necessity, carried out using screens? Read on to find out more about how to prevent eye strain when working in the office.
Regular screen breaks
Taking regular breaks away from your screen helps to rest and relax your eyes. This might mean avoiding scrolling on Twitter on your phone during your lunch break and going for a short walk outside in natural light instead. It is also possible to have regular screen breaks when you are hard at work doing the computer by following the 20-20-20 rule. This means that for every 20 minutes spent focussing on a screen, look away at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. Doing this relaxes the eyes’ focusing muscles, which helps to reduce eye fatigue and eyestrain.
Wear computer glasses
Blue light is produced by all backlit screens, from televisions and tablets to smartphones and laptops. While the blue light artificially produced by screens is small compared to that produced by the sun, there are some scientific and medical indications that excessive exposure due to extended screen time can damage the eye. Specially designed computer glasses can help filter out the harmful blue light and screen glare, which helps protect your eyes from eyestrain. Visit to find out more about blue light filtering computer glasses.
Use adequate lighting and reduce glare.
Overly bright artificial ceiling lights can exacerbate eyestrain, as can excessive sunlight shining onto your computer screen and causing glare. Ensure that artificial lighting is not too strong, and use blinds and curtains to prevent sunlight from shining directly onto your screen. You could also attach an anti-glare screen protector to your monitor, which will reduce light reflections to improve the clarity of your computer screen for more comfortable screen time.
Use artificial tears
Your eyes might feel uncomfortable after prolonged screen use because when you are looking at a screen, you may not blink as much as you otherwise would. This can lead to dry, uncomfortable eyes. Artificial tears can be bought over-the-counter from your pharmacist to keep your eyes well-lubricated and to prevent and alleviate the sensation of dry eyes.
However, make sure that you consult your doctor before buying artificial tears: some formulations may not be suitable for your eyes and could instead exacerbate eye irritation. Now you’re equipped with the knowledge to keep your eyes in tip-top condition.